Blackwell Meadows update from Malcolm Cundick

By Ray Simpson

Blackwell Meadows update from Malcolm Cundick

Malcolm Cundick, the project manager of Blackwell Meadows, gives us an update.“I am delighted to rep...

Malcolm Cundick, the project manager of Blackwell Meadows, gives us an update.

“I am delighted to report that I am today able to issue the Certificate of Practical Completion to J & RM Richardson Construction for the Stadium contract works. Many thanks need to be recorded to John, Rob, Bob and their team for a job  well done. Their contract has included the ground and pitch perimeter fencing and gates, erection of the two stands including refurbishment and re-use of the Tin Shed steel frame salvaged by TM Ward, perimeter paving, turnstile and spectator toilet installations, lighting to the Stands and amendments to two floodlight locations. They have also installed the dug outs purchased by fans and erected the goal posts. Pitch perimeter fencing in front of the Seated Stand has also been lowered to improve visibility from the front seats and for wheelchair bound spectators. The public address system is also being installed next week.

"The new Car Park is complete including security gates and additional remedial macadam surfacing to areas of the existing Car Park are to be completed pre-Christmas.

"Unfortunately completion of the Changing Rooms, for which Darlington RFC have contract responsibility, is behind schedule due primarily to totally unanticipated poor ground conditions and consequent foundation and other design modifications. These works are however scheduled for completion by 16 December.

"The FA Inspectors are to return to site on 19 December to complete the Category B Ground Grading Certification. This, with the Safety Certificate to be issued by Darlington Borough Council, will facilitate staging of Darlington 1883 FC’s return to Darlington on Boxing Day.

"A four year journey for me and everyone else concerned is about to bear fruit and we hope a successful future for all at Blackwell Meadows.”