A message to 19/20 season ticket holders and 500 Club members

By Ray Simpson

A message to 19/20 season ticket holders and 500 Club members

Important message to consider

Thank you for your support over the last season. Unfortunately, as we all know due to the coronavirus pandemic, we were unable to complete our league season. There were four home games remaining when the season was formally abandoned.

This loss of income due to home games not taking place placed a great strain on our finances through March and April. We have though been fortunate to be able to access government support schemes and our fantastic supporters have also contributed with online 50/50 draws and the virtual ticket scheme bringing in vital additional revenue. Recently the incredible sum raised from Boost The Budget 20/21 pledges will help support the club across next season.

There is one additional way that season ticket holders and 500 Club members can do to help the club through this difficult period.  Many season ticket holders and 500 Club members have already contacted us independently and generously offered to waive their entitlement to a refund now that the remaining games of this season have been abandoned. This is a fantastic gesture for which we are incredibly grateful as this is money we could have never budgeted in advance for because nobody could have foreseen the coronavirus crisis.

We are now respectfully inviting all season ticket holders and 500 Club members to consider donating the remainder of your ticket for the 19/20 season by not asking for a refund for the four home games we were unable to play. Without question, it will be the best possible way of helping us maintain our club’s financial stability. Naturally, we entirely understand that you may have suffered considerable financial hardship and, of course, we will fully respect your right to a refund should you fall into that category. Accordingly, we would kindly ask that if you do wish to receive your refund, please contact us. E mail seasontickets@darlingtonfc.org by 30th June 2020 to let us know. If we have not received an e-mail for a refund by this date we will assume that you wish to donate the remainder of your 19/20 season ticket or the remainder of the 19/20 500 Club ticket. This is an issue we will need to resolve so we know exactly where we stand as we move forward into Season 20/21.

Yes, these are certainly frustrating and unpredictable times but, unlike many clubs, we have so much to look forward to, with Alun planning on building an exciting squad ready to get going. As fans & owners of our club it is in our best interests to do everything we can to make certain that future is as bright as our new away shirt. Let's focus on what lies ahead and – with your help and continued support – we can prepare to make next season truly memorable.

We have emailed all season ticket holders and 500 Club members that we hold email address for and will be following up with all those individually we don’t have email addresses for over the next few days. If you haven’t received an email yet and believe you should have please email us: seasontickets@darlingtonfc.org with your details so we can update our records.