Away travel details to Leamington and Solihull

By Ray Simpson

Away travel details to Leamington and Solihull

Travel with the DFCSG coaches

Details of DFCSG Coaches to Leamington and Solihull
We have two away games coming up now, at Leamington in the league, and Solihull in the Trophy
The coach to Leamington on Tuesday 3rd December will leave at 3.15pm. The adult fares will be £25 for DFCSG members and £27 for non-members. Junior members will be charged £12.50 and junior non-members £14.50. 
The coach to Solihull Moors on Saturday 14th December will leave at 9.30am. The adult fares will be £20 for DFCSG members and £22 for non-members. Junior members will be charged £10 and junior non-members £11.
To book your seats on either of these coaches call Glen on 07376 368553.
As always, the coaches will leave from Park Place (behind the Fire Station) and arrive at their destination around 90 minutes before kick-off.
Juniors must be accompanied by a responsible adult.