Barrie Geldart

By Ray Simpson

Barrie Geldart

"Meticulous" chief scout passes away

The club is very sad to learn of the death of former chief scout Barrie Geldart at the age of 88.

Barrie played a major role in our successive GM Vauxhall Conference and Fourth Division title wins between 1989 and 1991, when he was chief scout under manager Brian Little, and he also had an eye for talent, bringing several players to the club.

Kevan Smith, who was skipper for those two title successes, said; “Barrie’s work during those two seasons was invaluable. He used to go and watch opponents, then come back with meticulous reports that were a big help for us in matches. His reports were never wrong, he found weaknesses  in the opposition that we exploited.

“As well as being a fantastic bloke, he was an unsung hero in those two seasons, and I’m sure that everybody who knew him will be deeply saddened by his passing.”

Barrie was a keen amateur footballer and played for Whitby in the 1965 Amateur Cup Final, before moving to scouting. He was with Middlesbrough under Bruce Rioch when they won promotion in 1987 before moving to Darlington.

Our sincere condolences go to his family and friends.