Behind the scenes at Darlington FC

By Ray Simpson

Behind the scenes at Darlington FC

The latest update

Here’s the latest of the behind the scenes updates of events at Darlington FC.


The Boards of Darlington FC and DFCSG met for the fourth time during the enforced break on Friday evening via video conference call, to discuss various ongoing relevant matters.


The Current league season:

Chief Executive Officer David Johnston took part in a discussion with other National League North Club Chairmen during the week, and discussed various issues, especially regarding the financial impact of the Premier League and EFL on the National League. The National League announced on Thursday that it proposes to end the current league season and will poll its member clubs. This was discussed at great length by the DFC and DFCSG Boards.


Club finances:

To make buying 20/21 season tickets as affordable as possible in these uncertain times, whilst supporting your club's cashflow position and helping Alun and the Board plan ahead next season, we've launched the option of paying in up to 5 monthly instalments.

Adult tickets cost less than £52 per month & concessions less than £37. Full pricing details & online order form can be found here:

 We are also delighted to announce that the Boost the Budget scheme for season 2020/21 will be announced in early May.


Community engagement:

On the back of the initiatives we announced last week, the club has been very busy in the seven days. We have:

  • Introduced the Buddy Mentoring scheme, which has seen club officials, directors and volunteers speak to at least 145 fans who are either shielded, lonely or self-isolating. We have had some excellent feedback from those we have called. The plan is to widen the contacts considerably and speak with lots more fans in the forthcoming weeks. The scheme was featured in the Northern Echo and BBC Radio Tees.
  • Published our Contact Line 07488 564642 and e mail address have been set up for supporters who feel the need to talk to someone at the Club. This has been used by several of our fans already.
  • Posted on Social Media self-made videos made by some of our players and staff doing the toilet roll challenge
  • Also posted out a fantastic montage of pictures taken by ALL of the DFC Youth Girls Teams, showing respect and support or all our NHS staff and other Key Workers
  • Had a very successful Netcafe, arranged with Will Hatfield on Thursday night. Thanks to the fans for emailing in questions to Will and special thanks to Will for taking the time to answer every single question he received. We are hoping to arrange one with Luke Trotman in the next fortnight.
  • Re-playing past DFC matches on the website and we are very grateful to Kevin Luff for creating this excellent service for our fans.

Next week, in addition to a continuation of the above, we will:

  • Produce a podcast featuring David Johnston, Dave Mills and Alun Armstrong. This is kindly being organised for us by Stuart Armstrong and our thanks go to Stuart.
  • Be maintaining contact with all our schools, as they continue to provide a service for our vulnerable children and children of Key Workers.


The Club remains in continuous contact with our sponsors and partners and we’re maintaining our excellent relationships with them during this difficult time.


Thank you for your continued support, it is very much appreciated.


Stay safe and keep healthy -- we’re looking forward to seeing you all in the future.

Remember, stay at home, and help the NHS.