Behind the scenes at Darlington FC latest update

By Ray Simpson

Behind the scenes at Darlington FC latest update

Latest from the two boards

Behind the scenes – update 5

Here’s the latest of the behind the scenes updates of events at Darlington FC.


The Boards of Darlington FC and DFCSG met for the fifth time during the enforced break on Friday evening via video conference call, to discuss various ongoing relevant matters.


The Current league season:

We are still waiting a decision from the National League about when the season will recommence, if at all. Currently, it remains suspended indefinitely. Therefore, without any further clear direction from the National League, the Club discussed a range of scenarios which could affect the way it operates over the coming weeks or months. Also, any future decisions taken by the Premier League and EFL will have an impact on the National League, and therefore will also impact on the football club.


Club finances:

We are delighted that the sale of 2020/21 season tickets are going well and to make buying them as affordable as possible in these uncertain times, whilst supporting your club's cashflow position and helping Alun and the Board plan ahead next season, we've launched the option of paying in up to 5 monthly instalments.

Adult tickets cost less than £52 per month and concessions less than £37. Full pricing details and online order form can be found here:

 We are also pleased to announce that the Boost the Budget scheme for season 2020/21 will be announced in early May.


Community engagement:

On the back of the initiatives we announced a couple of weeks ago, the club has been very busy in the last seven days. We have:

  • The Buddy Mentoring Scheme has now reached 290 supporters, with some excellent feedback. We intend to reach approximately 140 more people in the coming week.
  • Published our dedicated Contact Line (07488 564642 and email address ) for supporters who feel the need to talk to someone at the Club. Many thanks to those supporters who have used this service so far.
  • Posted on Social Media more self-made videos by some of our players and staff doing the toilet roll challenge – more will be posted in the coming days. These videos have provided much needed fun during these worrying times and have proved extremely popular. Watch this space… we’ll be doing more of these challenges in the future.
  • Produced a podcast for supporters, with in-depth and informative interviews with David Johnston, Alun Armstrong and David Mills. The Club acknowledges the hard work that goes into producing our podcasts, and we’d like to thank the entire DFC Media Team for doing this. You can listen to the podcast here
  • Re-played the Gainsborough game from the 2016/17 season. It was a great game with 7 goals, including 4 penalties, with Darlo winning 5-2. The broadcast was viewed over 1100 times! 
  • The entire DFC Youth Boys and Girls teams did a video montage of ‘heart’ photos in support and appreciation for the NHS Key Workers.
  • Arranged a Mr Q Easter Bunny drawing/colouring competition on the website and social media. This was aimed at our younger supporters and we received lots of entries and some brilliant pictures. Everyone who entered will receive a special Certificate of Participation from Mr Q and an overall winner will be announced shortly.


In the coming week, in addition to a continuation of some of the above, we will:

  • Be maintaining contact with all our schools, as they continue to provide a service for our vulnerable children and children of Key Workers.
  • Be running another Netcafe on the website with Luke Trotman on Wednesday 22nd April at 7pm. Questions on football and Love Island should be sent to
  • Continue to run feature articles on our sponsors and partners from the website. The Club remains in continuous contact with our sponsors and partners and we’re maintaining our excellent relationships with them during these worrying times.


Throughout these very difficult and unprecedented times, we have maintained a high profile for the club on our official website and social media channels, and we will continue to do so for the benefit of our much valued supporters. In the coming weeks and months, we will be exploring several new ideas to help provide our supporters with their ‘football fix’.


Thank you for your continued support, it is very much appreciated.


Remember, stay at home, stay safe and help the NHS.