Book your coach travel to Walsall!

By Ray Simpson

Book your coach travel to Walsall!

Details of DFCSG supporters bus to Walsall

Glen Bowes will start taking bookings for the supporters’ coach to Walsall on Monday (28th October).

Initially, priority will be given to DFCSG members, but from Wednesday evening (30th October) Glen will take bookings from non-members as well.

To book your seat, call Glen on 07376 368553.

Alternatively, you can speak to Glen in person at the programme hut before the Kidderminster and Hereford matches.

The coach will leave Park Place (behind the Fire Station) at 10am.

The adult fares to Walsall will be £20 for DFCSG members and £22 for non-members. Junior members will be charged £10 and junior non-members (u16s) £12.

Once the first coach is full, Glen will take reservations for a second coach.

Glen can’t guarantee being able to answer his phone at all times of the day, so please be patient. The best time to call him is between 3pm and 5pm. If you ring him at other times and he doesn’t answer, just leave your name and he will call you back.

Here are details of ticket prices on the day. (remember that we get a share of the gate, so visiting fans will be helping the club financially)