Bucket collection for Darlington Town Mission

By Ray Simpson

Bucket collection for Darlington Town Mission

Collection at Blackwell Meadows on Saturday


Alan White and Tommy Wright visit Vi of Darlington Town Mission in August

Our friends from Darlington Town Mission will be holding a bucket collection at Blackwell Meadows before Saturday’s home game with Hereford.

As part of the club’s Community Engagement programme, we are delighted to support Darlington Town Mission, who play such a vital role in the town, so please give generously.


Here are some details of the Darlington Town Mission:

DTM is a registered charity which was formed in 1838 for those in need within the Borough of Darlington. The Mission is an ecumenical Christian body that helps those living in social isolation who are on or over the age of 80 years of age.

The Mission helps approximately eighty people.  Sadly this is the maximum they can accommodate at present due to volunteer and Missioner hours available.  Their services include regular visits to people in their own homes or care homes providing companionship and Christian fellowship, providing support and comfort, and other practical assistance. There is a programme of group outings and events, including a fortnightly lunch club.  In order to extend their services, they are in need of more volunteer drivers and fund raisers. 

They would love to hear from supporters of Darlington FC if they are interested in helping this wonderful charity for local elderly folk who enjoy the company of others.

To find out more, please contact DTM by telephone - 07943251357 and speak to a Missioner.  Or email on dtmission@btinternet.com


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