Chester thank Quakers fans for raising over £400

By Ray Simpson

Chester thank Quakers fans for raising over £400

Injured Chester player benefits


Chester have been in touch to thank Quakers for raising £487.40 on Saturday in aid of Chester player Matty Hughes, who suffered a serious injury recently which has prevented him from working.

One of their fans wrote:

Afternoon Dave, Chris & all Darlington fans

A big thank to you all for your magnificent gesture yesterday at Chester in raising over £400 to help Matty Hughes over this difficult period for him and his young family.

Best of luck for the rest of the season  

from not only all In the Swettenham Chemists Stand Block N, but also all at Chester FC 


Albert Davies, Chester’s media manager, said; “A massive thank you to your club and your fans - the contribution was absolutely incredible.”


Andy Park, who organised the collection for Matty, is pictured handing the money over at half time on Saturday.

Everyone at Darlington Fc would like to wish Matty a speedy recovery

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