Christmas message from David Johnston

By Ray Simpson

Christmas message from David Johnston

A few words from the chief exec

On behalf of everyone at Darlington FC, I would like to wish a Very Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year to all our supporters, volunteers, staff, players and sponsors.

2021 has been a difficult year, not just for the football club, but also for everyone in their personal lives.

Football is full of ups and downs as we have experienced in 2021. Covid ended the league season early, and then we had the controversial financial arguments surrounding that issue; the great run to the quarter final of the FA Trophy, but then losing a game that we should have won; the delayed start to this season because of Covid; the great wins over Brackley and Fylde; the sudden loss of two key officials.

Most of all though, I will remember the fantastic support that everyone has given us. It could have been so easy for our supporters to turn their backs on us when we were forced to play behind closed doors last season, but instead their support strengthened, as we saw when Boost the Budget raised £132,000. That was a breathtaking figure and boosted the club financially when it was needed most.

I would like to thank all our volunteers, who carry out so many jobs, not just on a matchday, but every other day of the week as well. So many people have made sacrifices in their personal lives over the last year to work for this football club, and a vast amount of that work is unseen by the majority. The midnight oil was regularly being burned by several people – I would like to thank them in particular.

I would like to thank the directors and senior managers of the football club and the DFCSG. There have been plenty of difficult decisions to make, especially when the club was in danger of trading insolvently earlier in the year. Their experience, diligence, expertise and understanding in our weekly meetings are much appreciated.

I would like to thank Alun, Daz, the rest of the coaching and support staff and the players for all their efforts during the year. They have had many challenges to face as well, particularly when the virus struck on the eve of this season, and clearly affected our opening results.

Also, I would like to thank all the players in our Academy, women’s and youth teams – they have done the club proud.

I would like to thank our sponsors, who have continued to back us in so many different ways – your support is much appreciated, and long may it continue.

As a group of people, we have all faced difficult challenges and made big sacrifices in our day-to-day personal lives throughout 2021. Let us hope that once we have overcome this current strain of the virus, then life can return to some sort of normality. It is important that everyone stays strong and supporting each other.

Stay safe everybody and hopefully we’ll all see each other at a game soon.

In the meantime, have a great Xmas and New Year.




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