Congratulations Martin and Jill!

By Ray Simpson

Congratulations Martin and Jill!

Everyone at Darlington Football Club -- directors, officials, fans and players -- would like to wish...


Everyone at Darlington Football Club -- directors, officials, fans and players -- would like to wish Martin and Jill Gray a long and happy marriage after they tied the knot at 2.30pm this afternoon!

We all hope that the two of them and their guests at the celebrations have a great day.

Martin is obviously not at this afternoon's game -- some of you who are in the Shay Stadium may have noticed his absence, and also the absence of assistant manager, Brian Atkinson who is Martin's best man -- so Sean Gregan and Harry Dunn are in charge of the team.

Martin says: "I'm sorry I cannot be at the game at Halifax today to take charge of the first team, but I have every faith in Sean and Harry. Sean has been part of the coaching staff from our very first game in the Northern League and has plenty of football experience, while Harry has managed in this league before.

"The decision to get married on New Year's Day 2017, was made two years ago. We were two divisions lower at the time in the EvoStik First Division North and could not have envisaged at that stage that games would be scheduled for Sunday January 1st 2017!

"When we became aware of the clash of my wedding day and today's game at Halifax, we politely asked Halifax if they would move the game, but with all due respect, they refused.

"As I am sure everyone can appreciate, moving the wedding at that stage was not an option!

"I have spoken to the players and staff, and given the team talk before they left this morning.

"Despite my absence, everyone knows the importance of the game. I am confident we can get a win, and after becoming a married man, I look forward to hearing that we have won three points. Good luck to the team, and thank you."


Don't forget that no matter where you are in the world today, you can listen to the game on Darlo Fans Radio.