Dave's Brave the Shave raises £370 for MacMillan Cancer

By Ray Simpson

Dave's Brave the Shave raises £370 for MacMillan Cancer

Mr Q shaved in public

David Forster -- also known as Mr Q -- recently underwent "Brave the Shave" on the pitch at half time during the Nuneaton game.

He has written to us about the day, thanking everybody who supported him.


As people are aware, my wife, Stacey, was diagnosed with Stage 2 Cervical Cancer about six months ago, which then progressed to Stage 3 about nine weeks ago.

Because of the brutal treatment, her hair started falling out and she was advised to shave it off, which broke her heart.

In a show of support and solidarity I decided to shave my own hair off and raise money for Macmillan Cancer support through their Brave The Shave Fundraiser.

In four weeks I managed to raise £370 with which £80 was donated by fans of both Darlington and Nuneaton.

Every penny counts towards the good work of a good organisation, 

I want to put out a few thanks, Ray Simpson first, he organised it for the Club to help me, to the Club themselves, I never in million years thought I would be offered the chance to do it at the match, the Club went above and beyond and made my family welcome. I would also like to thank Ben O'Hanlon who was the very first to contribute. I was chuffed that the Club helped us when we needed help and they went above and beyond.

I want to thank Billy Brass (father of the famous Chris Brass who scored the best own goal in history) for donating change into my donation box, and also thank Vanessa Elwick and Well Pharmacy in Seaham for providing me with Razor Blades and the Shaving Foam.

Lastly and most importantly, I want to thank Stacey and Shelley, without them, this could not have happened. Stacey could have easily said no when it came to telling people about her condition as only family and a couple of close friends knew what was happening, she took a bold step and made a bold choice to let people know and it paid off by raising what cash it did. 


There's still time to contribute -- check this link



or just give Dave some money if you see him on Boxing day at the York City game.

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