Drop in surgery for DFCSG

By Ray Simpson

Drop in surgery for DFCSG

Board members of DFCSG will be on hand to discuss any questions or issues members may have about eit...

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Board members of DFCSG will be on hand to discuss any questions or issues members may have about either the DFCSG or Darlington FC as we close in on a return to Darlington at the end of the month. The session which will become a monthly fixture if there’s an appetite will be hosted in various locations around the region starting with our new home Blackwell Meadows on Thursday evening from 6pm – 9pm. Feel free to drop by at any time between these hours.


The surgery will be of an informal nature and will allow you to chat to Board members both new and old after the elections at our recent AGM about any matters that are concerning you that you’d like clarity on. With the move back to Blackwell on the horizon there has been much debate across social media with a certain amount of rumour and conjecture attached so this is a great opportunity to get the facts. The DFCSG holds a controlling interest in the Football Club and has regular meetings with the Football Club Directors so it is the perfect vehicle to raise any questions and concerns in a formal manner and to ensure your voice is heard. We’ll try and answer your queries on the evening but if we can’t we will take your question away - obviously there are some questions concerning commercially sensitive information that cannot be answered but we’ll do our utmost to get you an answer.


If you’re interested in joining the group you can sign up on the evening, and don’t forget by being a member you’re not only supporting the Club and able to have a say in the direction it takes but you’ll also be guaranteed a ticket for the first home game