From the DFC Board: stadium update

By Ray Simpson

From the DFC Board: stadium update

Position statement

This position statement concerns Darlington Football Club’s (DFC) plans for a new stadium, potential locations, and ongoing discussions with third parties.  We trust that this statement addresses most of the key questions.

Following several years of discussions with both Darlington Rugby Football Club (Blackwell Meadows) and Darlington Mowden Park Rugby Football Club (Darlington Arena), it became increasingly apparent that DFC could only achieve its ambition of returning to the Football League by relocating to a new stadium.

DFC requires a new community stadium that satisfies the ground grading requirements of both the National League and Football League, provides training facilities for all teams (men, women, academy and youth) and generates a regular source of non-matchday income.

Blackwell Meadows currently meets the criteria National Ground Grading Category B, enabling the club to play in the National League North (Step 2).  On reaching the Football League (League Two), the capacity must be increased to 5,000 with 1,000 seats, expanding to 2,000 seats after three years.  The necessary improvements would cost in the region of £5 million.  It is extremely difficult to justify this level of investment in a rented facility.  In addition, Darlington Rugby Football Club is reluctant to sanction significant alterations as they wish to retain the heritage and character of Blackwell Meadows, a decision which we respect.

DFC has also explored a return to the Darlington Arena but the operational running costs and proposed commercial arrangements do not create a sustainable solution for the long-term future of the Club.  Furthermore, both the Rugby Football Union and the National League’s ground grading regulations require its members to hold legal primacy of tenure, which is priority over fixtures in the event of a clash.  Unfortunately, a legal and practical solution could not be found.    

Having exhausted discussions with both DRFC and DMPRFC, the only feasible option available to DFC is relocating to a new stadium.  In terms of site selection, we have explored numerous options throughout the Borough of Darlington and have narrowed our search to two potential sites that we continue to evaluate in detail.  This involves appraising:


  • Deliverability
  • Land values
  • Services and utilities
  • Timescales
  • Highways and infrastructure
  • Capital expenditure
  • Likely impacts
  • The planning application process

Work is currently ongoing to determine whether either site is suitable for a new stadium.  This is an extremely complex piece of work that we must complete in full.  Consequently, the Directors of DFC believe that it would be inappropriate to comment on a particular location at this moment in time.

We are continuing to discuss the various options with the National League, Darlington Borough Council, the Tees Valley Combined Authority and other third parties, including landowners. 

Once DFC has secured an option for the preferred site, our proposals will be scrutinised via the rigours of a planning application which include full consultation with the local community, and statutory and non-statutory consultees.  Darlington Borough Council will follow due process by determining any subsequent planning application having regard to the adopted Local Plan and all other relevant material considerations.

We hope to announce the preferred site before the end of 2022.  In the meantime, we continue to be thankful for the incredible backing of our loyal supporters, and we will keep you updated as and when necessary.



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