Get your Covid Vaccination!

By Ray Simpson

Get your Covid Vaccination!

Help yourself and others avoid Covid

Darlington FC are pleased to team up with Darlington Borough Council and the NHS to encourage fans to get their Covid Vaccinations as soon as possible.

The take up of vaccinations amongst the Under 40s hasn’t been as quick as anticipated, not just in Darlington but throughout the country. Therefore we are urging all our fans, together with their families, to book your vaccination appointment as soon as possible and reduce your chances of contracting the virus or transmitting it to another person.

On Saturday (22 May) the NHS lowered the vaccine programme’s eligibility cohort so that everyone in England aged over 32 or over 16 with a long-term condition could book their Covid-19 vaccine.

But as the cohorts lower to younger age groups, there have been some concerns that younger people may be less interested in getting their jabs, as they feel they are less likely to become seriously ill with Covid-19 than the older groups.

As of last Thursday (20 May) 66.8% of Darlington residents over 16 have had at least one dose of their Covid-19 vaccine.

As influential members of the Darlington community, we believe that we have a part to play in encouraging our fans and their families to get the vaccine.

Darlington chief executive officer David Johnston said: "On behalf of everyone at Darlington Football Club, I would strongly encourage everyone who is eligible for a vaccination to go along to their nearest centre and have it done.

"Not only will it help to prevent you contracting Coronavirus, it will also reduce the chances of transmitting the virus to members of your family, your friends and people you come into contact with.
"The new season begins in August, and we want to welcome all our fans back to Blackwell Meadows in a Covid-free environment."

Councillor Kevin Nicholson, Cabinet Member for Health and Housing at Darlington Borough Council, said: “It’s fantastic to have Darlington FC support the NHS and the wider Darlington vaccine programme.

“We are extremely proud of our residents who are playing their part to protect our communities by getting the Covid-19 vaccine.

“The town’s vaccine programme really has been a team effort since day one, and we must all continue to encourage our communities to get their jab to keep Darlington on the right track.”

Prof. Neil Watson who heads up the vaccination programme for the North East and North Cumbria, added: “We urge everyone aged 32 and above to come forward. There are still people aged 50, those with underlying health conditions, health and social care workers and carers who have not yet taken up their invitation and can still do so.

“People over 50, those with underlying health conditions, health and social care workers and carers who have had their first dose and not yet had their second will be contacted either by their GP practice or by the NHS National Booking Service to bring forward their jab.”

To book your Covid-19 vaccination via the national NHS booking system call 119 or visit:

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