Give Them Wings update

By Ray Simpson

Give Them Wings update

Latest on Paul Hodgson's film

Paul Hodgson updates us on the “Give Them Wings” film production

Hi, we just wanted to give Darlo fans a quick update as to where we are with ‘Give Them Wings’.

Well, we are almost there! Sean Cronin, our Director has taken on the role of editing the footage.  This will enable us to determine what ‘pick-ups’ will be needed.

Once the aforementioned ‘pickups’ have been done, Sean will add the new footage, then come up with the finished edit.

The film will then be entered into Film Festivals such as Cannes, Venice and the Richard Harris Festival which is in Ireland. We need to be selected into such festivals to qualify for the BAFTA’s.

We are in negotiation with a company with regards to obtaining a Distribution deal, which will enable the film to be shown in cinemas. 

It’s also hoped that the film will be on Netflix, Amazon Prime and Sky.

To get to this stage is a massive achievement, given the budget we had. This wouldn’t have been possible without the investors and sponsors, some of whom are Darlo fans,  we are eternally grateful to each and every one of them for showing their trust in us with their hard earned money.

From a personal point of view, I’d like to put on record our thanks to the football club and indeed the rugby club for their help in letting us film in Blackwell Meadows. Their help, along with many other people who allowed us to use their premises, on many occasions either free of charge, or for a nominal fee.

Without everyone pulling together, and indeed, going out of their way to help, making this film with the budget we had, simply wouldn’t have been possible, so a huge thank you to everyone!

I will of course keep everyone up to date with the progress we make.

Paul Hodgson

The club would like to give Paul our continued support and best wishes.