Healthwatch Darlington Newsletter

By Ray Simpson

Healthwatch Darlington Newsletter

This week's useful advice


Healthwatch Darlington Updates


16th February 2022


Got something to share?
We can help spread the word across Darlington with your local community updates, news and events!

We ensure you receive regular news updates direct to your inbox each working week. We encourage organisations, community groups and projects to share information about any service changes or community help and support available for individuals and families living in Darlington.

Email us via and share any updates you have!  up to date information from NHS England or the Government by visiting:
British Sign Language (BSL) videos and how to contact NHS 111 are available:
Easy read: Mencap
Other languages:

Telephone: 01325 380145
(Please leave a message and someone will get back to you as soon as possible)
Mobile: 07525 237723
Facebook: @HealthwatchDarlington and @youthwatchdarlo
Instagram: @healthwatchdarlington and  @youthwatchdarlington
Twitter: @healthwatchDton 

Healthwatch Darlington Pandemic Experience Survey 2022 - How do you feel?

In 2020 we asked you about your lived experiences during the pandemic especially during lockdown.  In 2021 we asked for your views and experiences of the vaccination programme and now it is important to understand how you feel about the vaccine booster programme and your general lived experiences now that restrictions are easing.

The survey will take up to 15 minutes to complete. Your shared views and experiences will be anonymous and will provide us with a complete picture of the last 2 years of the pandemic.

Please take the survey here


February is LGBT+ history month and we wanted to understand the experiences encountered by the LGBT+ community in Darlington when accessing healthcare services.

LGBT History Month is an annual month-long observance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history, and the history of the gay rights and related civil rights movements. 2022 sees the 50th anniversary of the very first Pride March in the UK in 1972. This year’s anniversary is one on a continuing and often winding journey towards full equality, which has suffered many setbacks while still moving forwards, the movement have taken ‘the arc is long’ as their tagline, from Dr Martin Luther King jnr’s quote “The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice”.

We approached Arcus a counselling and social support service, primarily developed for LGBT+ people, and agreed a set of questions for our survey which would provide a snapshot of experiences of health and care services in Darlington.

The experiences of those completing our survey indicate that there is not a consistent healthcare service offering to those who identify within the LGBT+ community. The experiences of those who took part in our survey reveal that it depends upon healthcare professionals encountered whether the experience is positive or negative.

To read the full report click here: LGBT+ Health Experience Report


Sensory Impairment Survey

Healthwatch Darlington want to gain a better understanding of the barriers people with sensory impairments experience when accessing  health and care services in Darlington. The survey will take up to 15 minutes to complete. Your shared views and experiences will be anonymous and will help to shape the future of your health and care services locally in Darlington. Click here for the survey: Sensory Impairment Survey

You care about the NHS and social care services, and so do we

COVID-19 has resulted in a number of changes to our NHS and social care services – but what has this meant for you? Healthwatch are here to listen and act on your feedback up and down the country to improve care for you and others. That’s why we’re supporting our national campaign – #BecauseWeAllCare, encouraging you to share your experiences.

By telling us about your experiences, we can help services in Darlington and across England improve the care they provide now, and in the future. Share your views today in a short, confidential survey.



The Accessible Information Standard - what you can expect from services

The Accessible Information Standard is mandatory for all organisations that provide NHS or adult social care. Here’s some key information about the accessible communications you should expect from services.

Darlington Borough Council

For a full comprehensive list of What's on in Darlington over the coming months visit

For the latest coronavirus information and advice in Darlington as well as how to contact the council for support, including what to do if you spot coronavirus scams and misinformation please visit:   

Darlington Borough Council Sanctuary Scheme
The Sanctuary Scheme is a scheme to protect vulnerable people at risk of domestic abuse.  Property adaptations or ‘target hardening’ can be installed into the homes of those at risk.  The objective is to allow victims/survivors of domestic abuse and their children to remain in their own homes where it is safe to do so. for further information and a referral form click

Domestic Abuse Briefing
A Multi-Agency Partnership Briefing Podcast on Domestic Abuse has been developed setting out the new protections under the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.
Click here to view the Domestic Abuse Briefing; You Tube Video

Signhealth - domestic abuse support for deaf people
Please find below link to Signhealth charity who provide support/resources for deaf people and guidance for practitioners who work with them: 
Domestic Abuse Information and Service Details - SignHealth
Cyberstalking Training opportunity
Darlington Borough Council has commissioned cyberstalking training which is highly engaging and extremely relevant in today’s social climate. There are two dates available, details of which are at the following registration link: Please also see the training provider’s website which contains resources around online safety: 

Workforce Development News 
The Workforce Development Training Directory weekly update is available online. Please click on the following link:

Local & National News


Kooth are hosting two events to show how and supports LGBTQIA+ communities with their mental health and emotional wellbeing. This will take place via Zoom and free to attend. 
  • Wed 23rd February, 10-11am
  • Thurs 24th February, 4-5pm
Please share with your contacts! 
Here is the link to register:


#CheckWithMeFirst guide developed on cervical screening for survivors of sexual violence

Many survivors of sexual violence find healthcare examinations & cervical screening distressing. This #SexualViolenceAwarenessWeek @eveappeal & @survivorstrust have developed a guide: #CheckWithMeFirst-on cervical screening for survivors of sexual assault:



Celebrating National Social Prescribing Week.  

You are invited to the next national webinar’s in the NHSE/I social prescribing webinar series, on the 2nd March 2022. 
Title and Topic: Developing your social prescribing workforce and making the most of social prescribing ARRS roles.
Date and time: 2nd March, 1:00 - 2:30pm (90 minutes)
To register your attendance for this event please use the following link:


Digital Therapy Support - short survey

Across Tees and Durham the CCG Mental Health Partnership has funded an online therapy service for adults, similar to for children and young people. Full details on the service can be found at:
The Partnership would welcome your opinions and feedback on the service which was put in place to support the covid recovery period and is due to end on 30th June.
There are 5 questions and some free text comments sections and the survey should take under 10 minutes to complete. You may complete this anonymously should you wish.
This is a public survey so please feel free to share with any links you might have. We are not collecting demographic data so it is completely anonymous.
This is the survey link:

Young Carers Action day

Young Carers Action Day is an annual event, organised each year by Carers Trust.

It’s a day for raising public awareness of young carers and young adult carers, the pressures and challenges they face, and the incredible contribution they make by caring for their family members and friends.

It is also a day to call for more action to support young and young adult carers and give them the extra bit of help they need to live full and healthy lives.

The day attracts widespread participation and public attention. Each year Carers Trust secures widespread coverage of the day in both national and regional TV, radio and print media.
More info here:
Local Contact details are:
Telephone: (01325) 483 038 or Lead Practitioner Cheryl Hunter 07584391789
Facebook and Instagram: @darlingtonyoungcarers



Palliative and End of Life Care Services virtual WORKSHOP 17 February

The third in a series of workshops to engage with the system to review Palliative and End of Life Care pathways will take place on Thursday 17 February at 12.30-4.30pm.
More details here


Co Durham and Darlington Local Pharmaceutical Committee (LPC) has a new name and a brand-new look.

At a Special General Meeting our pharmacies voted to amend our official title to “County Durham Local Pharmaceutical Committee” but also to adopt a name by which we will be commonly known. With effect from 11 February 2022, the committee will be recognised as Community Pharmacy County Durham (CPCD). It’s felt that this title better explains to external stakeholders the sector that we represent. Also, a driver for this change was to bring all our pharmacies, those in Durham and Darlington, under one umbrella; a move that is more inclusive for all our pharmacies.

At the same time, CPCD is launching its new website:

new twitter and facebook accounts:  @CPCoDurham and a rebrand, you’ll notice our new logo on our website. 

Subscribe to our Newsletter 


Alzheimer's Society DementiaAlzheimer's Society - United Against Dementia Information Card, Directory & Newsletter

Downloads here include their quarterly newsletter as well as their updated Dementia Directory of services in Darlington for 2022. They have also compiled a brand new one stop shop Dementia Information Card which includes many local organisations who can support people affected by dementia. This document is also useful for health and social care professionals to share with service users and colleagues. Please share the Dementia information Card far and wide- the more people aware of these local services, the better support people can access to live well with dementia.

Consultation on revisions to Keeping Children Safe in Education Guidance

Please see link below seeking views on the proposed changes to the statutory guidance ‘Keeping children safe in education’ 2021, with a view to making changes for September 2022.  The consultation closes on 8 March 2022.

GP patient survey

The 2022 GP patient experience survey launched this month. Around 2.4 million people over 16 and registered with a GP practice in England are selected at random and invited to take part by letter and text message.

Among other measures the survey is a good way to detect inequalities in the experience of care between different groups, including people with protected characteristics. GP practices have changed their procedures in response to the pandemic so it is a particularly important year for making sure there is clear understanding of the impact of these changes.

More information is on the NHS England website. Data collection for this year’s survey will take three months and results published in July. Results from previous surveys are available. Find out more


Inclusion North CIC | LinkedIn
Reaching Out To Families - Inclusion North

Supporting families to come together from across Yorkshire and Humber and the North East - an opportunity to start a conversation, to share ideas and thoughts.

Reaching out to families is a place to feel connected, to be supported and to not feel alone.
This meeting is for any family carer who has a family member who has a learning disability or is autistic.

The meeting will happen online using Zoom
It will take place on Thursday 24th February 2022
10:30am until 12pm

To book your place and for information to join please contact Rachael 07960 388628

National Help & Support 

Healthwatch England


Advice & Information

We offer a wide range of information and resources on our website featuring different topics important to you. Find our latest additions Here


Useful Covid-19 Resources

Youthwatch Darlington Poster
(Looking after your mental well being) 
(Plans for staying home)

Twinkl Free Education Online Children 
(Code: OFFER)

(Free online emotional wellbeing for 11-18 year olds)
BBC Own It 
(Information for staying safe online)

(Listening service 24/7)

Information for vulnerable groups (Covid-19)

Although restrictions are easing, Covid-19 has not gone away. Our website advice for vulnerable groups page has useful up to date information and advice for our most vulnerable in the community:

Talk to us!

Don't forget, you can always contact us via our social media channels.  Not only that, but you can call us on 01325 380145 (please leave a message) or text us on 07525 237723


Rehab for Addiction,

You can send us an email to or visit our Website at


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