Ian Payne

By Ray Simpson

Ian Payne

Long serving fan passes away

The club is sad to learn about the passing of one of our long serving fans, Ian Payne.

Ian, who was 81, had followed the Quakers for 75 years, watching us all around the country.

His friend, Stephen Beaumont, said; "As a 6 year old Ian would sneak through the hedge in his garden in Conniscliffe Road to go to Feethams.  After University Ian moved south but would still attend a few home matches, and any fixtures close enough.  I remember going with him to Fisher Athletic in 1989/90 season, and to the 1996 Play Off game at Wembley, as well as the Arena.

"Ian contributed to most of Quakers' fund raising events and there were two of his named bricks at Feethams.   He had the Monday Darlo paper sent to him every week and his phone would bleep three times every time they scored."

We would like to express our sincere condolences to Ian's family and friends.