Join the DFC Fans Lottery and have a chance of winning £1,000!

By Ray Simpson

Join the DFC Fans Lottery and have a chance of winning £1,000!

Your chance to help the club and win big money!

Here's a message from Sue Connor, who looks after the DFC Fans' Lottery.

The DFC fans lottery is a vital revenue stream for the football club and has raised valuable funds for the club in recent years.

Entries in the draw steadily increased in the course of time and at its highest we had 638 numbers in the draw meaning we were able to pay over £1500 a month to the club (£18,000 per year).

When we discovered we could no longer use any online platform to accept payments to the lottery, we lost a lot of members (136 to be precise), which means the money paid to the club has significantly reduced.

We have recovered some of the members of the lottery but are still well short of where we were.

For £5 a month per number you can give yourself a chance of winning a weekly prize of £50 or even the monthly jackpot prize of £1000 as well as supporting your club in the meantime!

If you had a number previously but haven’t had chance to renew via standing order or you are new to the fans lottery please see entry details below.

27th September Fans Lottery pdf


Entry to the fans lottery is now only via standing order with your bank but only takes a few minutes to do for anyone that does online banking!
Lottery bank details you would need to set this up are -

Santander Bank, High Row, Darlington.
The account name is DFC 1883.
Sort code 09-01-28.
Account number 20187272.

If you set up a standing order online please email me (Sue Connor) to let me know you've done so and to confirm your contact details. 
I will then allocate a number/s to you by return.
Email address - 

Anyone who doesn't do online banking can get an application form from the club shop either in the Dolphin Centre or on match days or print off the form attached.

Any queries regarding the lottery please get in touch on the email address above.


Thanks for your support!

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