Last day for Boost the Budget

By Ray Simpson

Last day for Boost the Budget

Terrific performance by the fans

The deadline to contribute to Boost the Budget is fast approaching -- the deadline is midnight tonight.

Already, a fantastic amount has been raised and it would be great to hit £120,000 by the deadline -- as of Saturday night, just over £3,000 was needed, although as David Johnston has said, there's no need to stop there!

You can contribute as little or as much as you want to Boost the Budget.

Manager Alun Armstrong said in his netcafe on Thursday that the support has been "phenomenal"


What do you make of Darlington fans raising over £100,000 in Boost the Budget for the second successive year?

In one word Phenomenal!!!!  I’ll be honest -- we were really worried this year especially with the COVID-19 pandemic but you lot have blown me away with how much you have raised. It makes the hairs stand up on the back of my neck when I think about it but then realise it’s my job to spend it wisely which brings its own pressure but you can be assured you’ll get value for money and hopefully a few surprises. Please continue to contribute over the next few days until BTB closes on Sunday, because the more that is contributed, the stronger we can be.

And this is what he said on BBC Tees earlier in the week:



DJ was full of praise for the fans in his Zoom interview earlier in the week:


So, as it's payday weekend for some, why not contribute to Boost the Budget for season 2020-21? It can be any figure, large or small.

Here's the link to our fundraising platform:



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