Mark solves penalty mystery

By Ray Simpson

Mark solves penalty mystery

Darlington striker Mark Beck has solved the mystery of the penalty award last Saturday.Quakers were...

Dar v Gai-23

Darlington striker Mark Beck has solved the mystery of the penalty award last Saturday.

Quakers were awarded three penalties in the game, the second of which baffled everybody in the ground when Josh Gillies’ free kick went into the Gainsborough penalty area and the assistant raised his flag.

“Their lad wouldn’t let me move as the ball came into the box because he had hold of my shirt, and the assistant flagged for a penalty. I ran over to him, and asked him if he’d flagged for the foul on me, and he said yes. I don’t think anybody really knew what had happened.

“I must admit, it’s the first one I’ve ever had go in my favour. You see them more and more now on the television nowadays and penalties are given.”

Becky provided the assists for the goals by Nathan Cartman and David Syers, and he joked; “Maybe that should be three if you count the penalty!”

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