Paddy update -- condition improving

By Ray Simpson

Paddy update -- condition improving

Latest from the Royal London hospital


Darlington defender Paddy Almond is showing encouraging signs of improvement following his bleed on the brain that he suffered while playing for us at Southend last Saturday.

Paddy was rushed to Southend General Hospital and then the Royal London Hospital for urgent treatment following his episode, and yesterday he received a visit from the Darlington FC club chaplain John Barker, who lives in North London. 

Paddy had another brain scan yesterday, and that revealed that the bleeding (thankfully) has now stopped. The doctors are continuing their checks to make sure there are no blood clots, so Paddy will remain his hospital under observation. He will probably have another brain scan soon.

Paddy and his family are very grateful for everyone's concern through what has been an emotional few days.

They are going to need financial support -- you can contribute here via GoFundMe

Everyone involved in football, not just at Darlington FC but throughout the world of football, continues to keep Paddy in our thoughts and wishes him a speedy recovery. 

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