Quakers support NHS Movember campaign

By Ray Simpson

Quakers support NHS Movember campaign

Darlington players support cancer awareness campaign


NHS helps supporters tackle male cancer

The NHS will kick start ‘Movember’ at Darlington Football Club on Saturday 29th September offering supporters information and advice about prostate and testicular cancer.

A GP and cancer community development worker from NHS Darlington Clinical Commissioning Group will be available at an information stand in the bar before and after the match and during half time to talk to supporters about male cancers and also offer a testicular check.

Susan Lee, from the NHS Darlington Clinical Commissioning Group, takes a free kick against the Darlington defensive wall, which also includes Dr James Carlton.


Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men under 40 with 2,400 cases diagnosed in the UK every year. Typical symptoms of testicular cancer are a painless swelling or lump in one of the testicles or any changes in the shape or texture of the testicles. If you notice any of these changes see your GP. It is advised men check themselves on a regular basis and be aware of the extra risk if they had undescended testes at birth or a history of testicular cancer in the family, especially their fathers or brothers.

1in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate Cancer in the UK. Men over the age of 50 years of age are more at risk and this increases as men get older. Men are two and a half times more likely to get prostate cancer if they have a father or brother diagnosed with it and genetically men are more at risk if they have a mother or sister diagnosed with breast cancer.

Darlington players promote "Movember" (check the false moustaches) with Susan Lee and Dr James Carlton.


Dr James Carlton, Macmillan Lead GP, said; ‘We know it can be difficult for men to talk about their health in general never mind testicular and prostate cancer. Talking about cancer on match day will raise awareness and hopefully help men feel more comfortable about asking for help. For testicular cancer men need to seek medical advice if they find a lump, there is a change in size or shape or pain and tenderness. The earlier the cancer is detected the better the outcome. Prostate cancer is different, you can’t do a self-check so if anyone has concerns check the Prostate Cancer UK website for information www.prostatecanceruk.org or contact your GP surgery for an appointment and advice. ’

The event will kick start ‘Movember’ the men’s health movement that encourages men to grow a moustache in November to generate conversation about testicular, prostate cancer, mental health and suicide prevention.

John Tempest, Darlington Football Club Director said, ‘As a football club at the centre of our community, we would urge everybody to have a check-up for cancer. Detection now will prevent bigger problems later in life.’

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