Statement from the Darlington FC board of directors

By Ray Simpson

Statement from the Darlington FC board of directors

Re: the current situation

Statement from the Board of Directors of Darlington FC

The Board of Directors of Darlington FC acknowledge fans’ frustrations at the club’s current league position. Results so far this season have failed to live up to expectations, and the board are under no illusions regarding the strength of feeling amongst sections of our support.

Everybody at the club is now focused on helping the team to produce a strong finish to our National League North campaign, and to this end the management team are working hard to strengthen the playing squad before the window closes.

The board are also aware that supporters’ frustration has been amplified by a lack of communication on certain issues. With this in mind, we will arrange another Netcafé as soon as we can to give everyone a chance to ask questions, have their say and vent any frustrations.  We are also planning towards a Fans’ Forum at the end of the season when we can discuss matters further and discuss our plans for next season.

Until then, we hope that everybody will continue to get behind the management team and players as they look to pick up some important points in the coming weeks. We need to encourage our team during this last phase and build towards a better future.

Thank you for your continuing support.

The Board of Directors of Darlington FC