Steve's half time quiz

By Ray Simpson

Steve's half time quiz

Some brain teasers to fill your time

Here's the latest brain teaser from our quizmaster, Steve Rees, which was originally published in the programme for the Chester game in December. Answers tomorrow.


  1. Which British surgeon pioneered antiseptic surgery?
  2. What is the national sport of Japan?
  3. A “Kingdom Hall” is a place of worship used by which group of people?
  4. How long is an Olympic swimming pool?
  5. Which sweet North American soft drink is traditionally made from the sassafras tree?
  6. In which country would you find the Interlagos F1 circuit?
  7. What number is represented by the Roman numerals CMXCV?
  8. What was the first Olympic sport in which women were invited to compete?
  9. Which cartoon character’s catchphrase is “Schh. Be vewy, vewy quiet, I’m hunting


  1. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, was first-choice goalkeeper for

      which Southern football club?

  1. Kia Ora, a US brand of soft drink, meaning literally “hello/keep well” is from which


  1. Which European cyclist of the 60s/70s acquired the nickname “The Cannibal”?
  2. “Robinson Crusoe” was based on the life of whom? From which port did he set sail?
  3. For which rugby club did former England skipper, Martin Johnson, play throughout his


  1. Which is the highest mountain in the Rockies? (Clue: when spelled backwards, it’s

       not “double”)

  1. Which cricketer was offered the throne of Albania?
  2. Which US actress is best known for her role as Jennifer Hart in 80s TV series “Hart

       To Hart”? What was the name of her pet dog?

  1. Which Englishman won the World Highland Games Championships a record six times?
  2. Which English actress and media celebrity married comedian Les Dennis in 1995?
  3. Golf: What is the maximum time limit permitted to look for a lost ball?