Thanks to our matchball sponsors

By Ray Simpson

Thanks to our matchball sponsors

Local company sponsored the Shields game


We’d like to thank MSG Bike Gear for being our matchball sponsor for the 2-2 draw with South Shields on Bank Holiday Monday.

Would you like to be the matchball sponsor for a Darlington FC home game? Here’s what’s in the package:

  • Two match tickets to the game (£35 + VAT for each additional guest) and one car park pass (more available upon request)
  • A table within our DFC Hospitality suite, a delicious two-course meal, and complimentary match programmes
  • Watch the game from the main stand balcony; the best view in the ground!
  • Social media promotion of your brand/business both in advance of the game and across the following week
  • Regular announcements of your sponsorship via the PA throughout the day itself
  • Presentation of a football, signed by the squad, by the ‘man of the match’
  • Pitch-side and dressing room photo opportunities across the day

If you’re interested, drop us a line on