Training session with a difference for Quakers

By Ray Simpson

Training session with a difference for Quakers

Players train on Redcar beach

Darlington manager Tommy Wright called the players in on Saturday for a training session with a difference – on Redcar beach!

Tommy decided to make good use of a day off from the league fixtures by doing something different with the players and took them to Redcar beach, where occasionally he trained when Dave Penney was manager.

“I thought we’d use a different environment instead of Eastbourne for training, and it did us all good,” he said.

“The lads did a lot of running up and down the sand dunes, and then we got the poles and cones out, and had a game on the beach.

“After that had finished, I had a good chat with the players about last Wednesday’s game against Brackley, and how disappointed everyone was in the performance.

“I made it clear that I expect them to pick the pieces up against Chorley on Saturday.”