A message from Harvey Madden’s family

A message from Harvey Madden’s family

Dave Mills has today spoken with Harvey Madden’s family. Harvey’s wife Eileen and daughters Kirsty and Gemma have asked for everyone connected with Darlington Football Club to receive the following message.

“Could you please pass on our heartfelt thanks to all at and associated with Darlington FC. We as a family have been overwhelmed with the kind messages we have received about Harvey and it is a great comfort at this difficult time. We don't need to tell you that Darlington grew to be more than a job to Harvey and he was so proud of the achievements of the club and the support the fans gave him during his involvement with DFC.

As a family we will be attending the home game on Saturday 14th March and it will be an opportunity for Harvey’s grandson Louis, aged 5, to see one of his first games of football.”

Harvey Madden 2The family want everything to do with Harvey to be a celebration of his life and work and have consented to the football club honouring Harvey with a minutes’ applause at the home game next Wednesday 11th March v Lancaster City.