Commercially speaking

By Ray Simpson

Commercially speaking

Programme notes from the Chorley programme

Several people were unable to buy a programme on Saturday, and wanted to read Craig Morley's Commercially Speaking notes -- so here they are:


Our long-awaited return to engaging with the community through the Soccer Camp in the Dolphin Centre run by our Football in the Community staff is now over and it was well-received. The numbers we had in attendance were superb, and that first footstep back into the community was always going to be the hardest. It was great to see so many children – boys and girls – enjoying themselves.

Liam Coates and his team put together a sterling week, with multi-disciplines for all abilities catered for. We are now planning the Easter courses and as always, we will keep you informed on the club’s official website and social media.

One area I’m keen to explore is a drinking hole (pardon the expression) for the supporters. I think it’s high time we had a bar/club to call our own to be used not only on matchdays, but on most days of the week by our own supporters with our own steward in place and be able to hang our club’s memorabilia up with pride. The revenue we can generate has no ceiling – we can hold our own functions and fundraising nights with scope for live bands and you, the fans, to host 18th and 21st birthday parties for example – in reality any celebration we want. Yes, we would have to buy the premises, but it is achievable and is something I will be raising with the supporters’ group.

In a nutshell:

  • Our own bar/club
  • A place to meet
  • A place to show our heritage
  • Profits on food and drink to be held by us
  • A matchday place home and away where we can all get together

It’s a definitely something to think about.

Something to look forward to for our next home game against Chester – we’ve designated that as Retro Day, so dig out your old shirts and scarves and wear them on that day and support the lads!


Enjoy the game
