Darlington Football Club mourns the sad loss of Harvey Madden

Darlington Football Club mourns the sad loss of Harvey Madden

The Board of Directors of Darlington Football Club are very saddened to be informed that Harvey Madden, the administrator who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to keep the Club going in the early part of 2012, has died.

After the Club was bought by the fans in May 2012 Harvey continued to offer his experience and time freely and has been a very active and most valuable member of the Advisory Panel to the football club. Harvey very soon became a genuine Quakers fan!

Dave Mills, Director of Darlington FC, said today: "It is no exaggeration to say that Darlington FC would not even exist if it had not been for Harvey going the extra mile while a rescue package was being put together.

The Quakers will always be indebted to him. The Club will be paying a tribute to Harvey in the most appropriate way at the next home game.”

Northern Echo editor Peter Barron, a co-member of the Darlington FC advisory panel, said: “Harvey was absolutely passionate about local sport and his work behind the scenes in aid of Darlington Football Club should not be underestimated. He was kind, patient and generous with his time. He was a true gentleman.”

Martin Jesper, CEO added, "Harvey’s contribution to the survival of Darlington Football Club cannot be overstated. He retained high standards of professionalism and dignity whilst ensuring that adequate time was given, and funds raised, for the Club to be rescued. His ongoing enthusiasm and passion as a trusted and valued member of the Club's Advisory Panel has also been greatly appreciated by all those who have had the pleasure of working closely with him. On behalf of all fans of Darlington Football Club, and the wider community, our thoughts at this time are extended to his family, friends and colleagues whose lives will certainly have been enriched by having Harvey as part of their world too."

Darlington MP Jenny Chapman, another co-member of the DFC advisory panel, has fond memories of Harvey's work and dedication for the football club. She said, "Harvey was a true friend of Darlington Football Club and gave selflessly of his time and energy to ensure its future. He will be sorely missed by his many friends."