Silly Things help to raise £875!

By Ray Simpson

Silly Things help to raise £875!

[caption id="attachment_40823" align="alignnone" width="300"] David Johnston and Silly Things[/capti...

[caption id="attachment_40823" align="alignnone" width="300"]David Johnston and Silly Things David Johnston and Silly Things[/caption]

Silly Things help to raise £875!


Silly Things, with Darlington Chief Executive Officer David Johnston in full flow, helped to raise a terrific £875 at the Cleveland Club on Saturday evening.

There was also a great contribution by Stevie Johnson to help the evening run along nicely.

The club would like to thank Rob Duncan for organising the evening, to Cleveland Club for hosting it, Sean and Jeanette Hadland for running the raffle and Dean Jones for the door duties.

And of course, to everyone for attending!