Support the Darlington Race for Life!

By Ray Simpson

Support the Darlington Race for Life!

Race for Life brings thousands of women together to support Cancer Research UK’s life-saving researc...

24th May Race for Life

Race for Life brings thousands of women together to support Cancer Research UK’s life-saving research into all 200 types of cancer.

On Sunday 10th June, South Park in Darlington will once again turn pink and see plenty of females, young and old taking part.

One of our volunteers, Stacey Fletcher and her two girls, Lauren aged 16 and Sophie aged 11, will be taking part in remembrance of two grandparents and great grandparents, who last year within the space of ten weeks lost one from each side of her family to two different cancers.

Stacey said; “We took part for the first time in 2017, when my granddad was fighting this, however in July, shortly after the race he sadly gave up the fight, following a three-year battle with cancer.  I can’t even say I got over the shock of us saying farewell to one, then in September, I got a call to say my Granma (my dad a ST holder/500 club member his mam) had been taken into hospital and then within minutes another call to say she had died, this was indeed a huge shock, as we never knew about her having cancer until after she had passed.

“This year the race for us will be hard to start, but we want to fight for others, as well as remembering those that have passed.


“The Race for Life has had many Darlington FC females taking part over the years, and we are aware that there are many of our fans, young and old, joining in this year to support such a great cause, so if you could spare an hour or two on Sunday 10th June, from 10am when it begins, why not pop down and cheer them on, it will be appreciated.”

Details of how to support Stacey and her daughters can be found via their just giving page: or contact via email

Details of the Race for Life in Darlington are here: