Friday's netcafe updated

By Ray Simpson

Friday's netcafe updated

Mammoth session now finished

Welcome to our netcafe which has been carried over from Friday, here are some outstanding answers from Friday night's comprehensive session.

Thanks to everyone who has asked questions, they're much appreciated.



To begin the netcafe, here’s a summary by the board of directors of current affairs:


 ON Field 

  1. We’ve supported the manager to bring in loan players and recent additions as we look for a strong finish to the season.
  2. We are now beginning the process of building for next season and supporting the manager with this. 
  3. It’s important that we grow and develop talent as we have for instance with Harvey Saunders and Luke Trotman this season - we intend to do more of this. We’re also spotting external talent who can either improve or showcase their talents with us and the two recent signings, Omar Holness and Osagi Bascome, have been brought in by Tommy to improve the squad now and with an eye on next season.
  4. We have recently introduced the GPS player tracking system which will be of great benefit to players and management as it 'calls out' what went well and what to focus on very clearly. We will share more on this soon once we have output from a few games so we can see trends.
  5. Our supporters are the 12th man and it’s so important that we get behind the management team and the players. The Nuneaton game was an excellent example of the fans supporting the team. We are going to need more of that from now until the end of the season.
  6. Our loan strategy has been popular with the clubs and players we have been involved with and this is why it will continue - we get bright young talent that would not be available to us to buy who need real game experience, they get players 'battle-hardened' and motivated by playing each week.  We are talking to other league clubs about how we can work together on this agenda for mutual benefit.

OFF Field

  1. We have had to make cuts to the playing budget to reflect reduced crowds and fit within our spending profile. 
  2. We will have a reduced budget for next season based on the current attendance profile. This is reality. If crowds and income increase, we will adjust as we go.
  3. Having said that we think that the new approach of a blended team with our own players and up to five loanees in the matchday squad is a sustainable strategy for us. 
  4. We are reliant on a talented and dedicated group of volunteers who are unpaid.  If you have time and want to help, there is lots to do, contact us!  (
  5. Commercial revenues have improved but there is more to do and we need your active help on this - if you think there is a sponsorship opportunity with a company you know, get in touch and we will be there. Please continue to support the club’s functions (Old Red Eyes on Saturday night, for example), the club lottery, the 50/50 draw, matchday programmes, hospitality etc.
  6. The other side of the balance sheet is costs - we need to continue to minimise outgoings and every little bit helps - so if we can reduce costs whilst keeping the same quality, we will. 
  7. The same goes for events, pre-season activity etc - we need to be mindful that we need to see a profit from these activities and not a loss - nice as they may be to do.

The Ground (s) - 

  1. Where we play is secondary at the moment as to how much it costs and our financial viability - we are scrutinising all options on this basis and taking sentimentality out of the equation - we can see what has happened before when we get ahead of ourselves.
  2. We have had positive discussions with the Sporting Village team, but at this stage we can only say it’s an ongoing conversation with many merits but a few issues. One of the key issues is the proposal to install a 4G playing surface at the Arena. As many of you will know, the FA and PFA are not keen on artificial pitches as they allegedly shorten playing careers and increase injury rates. 4G pitches can also be expensive to maintain as usage is much greater.  We would prefer to play on grass. 
  3. The Blackwell Meadows ground is our current home and as a playing surface it works well for us. The downsides are the limitations from the groundshare with full access to the ground on matchdays only plus the loss of revenue from Food and Beverage where we feel we could make significant monies - we are looking to resolve this through negotiations with DRFC which we believe can be on a win-win basis for both parties.This will inhibit our longer term future at Blackwell unless resolved.
  4. We very much want to increase our community involvement and you will have seen very positive activity on the Academy, Soccer Camps, Football training for Schools and girls’ football. We need to grow this further and I would like to hear from supporters who want to get involved in driving this. The more community involvement we have, the better connected we are to the people of the Darlington area and the wider County Durham, Tees Valley and North Yorkshire catchment area where our supporters live. We are a community club!
  5. There has been some discussion on social media around a bar for the club - whilst it’s a decent thought, it’s not one the club or Supporters Group feel that they can get behind without a detailed business plan - the financial risk is too high and we need to focus very tightly on the few vital things we need to achieve.
  6. We have seen other teams fold this year through financial mismanagement (for example North Ferriby), often from overhanging debts or an owner who has fallen out of love with the club they bought. We have our destiny in our hands under supporter ownership. We first need to strengthen our foundations so that we can progress. The short term focus of the DFC board is to manage the club well by improving the financial and football performance with the ambition to progress first to the National League and ultimately to the Football League playing at a home ground we can call our own.



Tommy is unable to participate in tonight’s netcafe, so then he can fully focus on tomorrow afternoon’s important game at Stockport.



Don't forget about our new Leisurewear Range on the Shop section on our website!



From Andy Park


First of all, thanks for taking the time out to answer these questions from the fans.


  1. Although the season hasn't necessarily went to plan, what plans are in place for the new season? Or will that depend on the league we are in?
  1. With the rumours of going back to the 'arena' that have been circulating on social media, is there any truth in heading back to that huge white elephant stadium?



Answer: This is a commercial decision to be honest and we are reviewing all of the commercials associated with both the Arena SV concept and Blackwell. It is still not clear but any move would have to be voted for by the DFCSG members. What the Board is seeking to do is provide the commercial evaluation and a recommendation as the information is pieced together.




From Graham Slyfield

If we moved to the Arena who would be our landlord - Mowden or the council?




The Sporting Village is a JV between Mowden and the Council so if we did move it would be the Newco JV as landlord




From Mike Longstaff


There's no doubt that this has been a very disappointing season but in my view Tommy has an almost impossible task working with high expectations and low resources and deserves our support.

In my view the team has been mentally weak and too readily capitulates when things go against them.

Our mission statement is Passion, Pride and Progress.

My question is how can we can progress and build a settled, motivated team which will be competitive when we seem to rely on short term loans many of who are young lads with little experience.

The team is constantly changing so it is no wonder it is inconsistent.



Hello, Mike, Thanks for your question.


Unfortunately that is the world we are competing in……teams are outspending us and without other sources of revenue we sometimes struggle to compete but given the precarious financial position of several teams at our level or above, we need to ensure that we take the correct financial steps to ensure future security. I do think the model moving forwards will be a blend of less contracted players and more use of the loan market as we look to blend experience and youth. This is tough to achieve but I think the likes of Will Smith and Romal Palmer have shown we can get good players on loan who are quite capable of playing at this level or above. This is the challenge for Tommy to get the mix right to enable us to achieve better results.

The Board is continuing to work on other issues off the field to improve our financial position but these things take time as we look to make the correct strategic decisions for the future.

Please continue with your support, it is appreciated




From Alex Hope

Thank you for the opportunity to ask questions and please be assured that all your efforts are very much appreciated; however, despite financial constraints resulting in the sale of Styche, the club has underperformed on the pitch this season, signings have been poor, performances dire and results pathetic.

  • What length of contract were awarded to Tommy and Alan?


Answer: This is a personal matter for the management team and it would not be appropriate to disclose these or discuss them in a public environment




  • Which players will be out of contract in the summer?

Answer: Team matters are the responsibility of the management team. We are in a competitive league and so it would not be appropriate for us to discuss publicly who is and who isn’t on contract.




  • What were the Board’s expectations for Tommy this season?

Answer: Like all fans, and the management team, we had hoped that we would at least be able to achieve the playoffs.




  • Does Tommy regret the departures of almost all the players who had played an important role in our recent significant success?


By significant success presumably you mean climbing up the leagues after reforming in 2012. We had some fantastic players who helped us achieve that success, but teams change, players either want to move on, or need to move on. New management will always want to remould a team. That’s how it is in every walk of life, not just football.




  • Does the board back the management team to identify players who can improve both the current squad and first team?

Answer: We accept the feedback, as does Tommy, but debating individual performance in public is not appropriate for the Board and management team.





  • Are the board (& the management team) aware of the lack of confidence in the management team and at what point will action be taken?


Answer: We are aware that a number of supporters are unhappy, and voice their concerns on social media. We are also aware of the significant support that comes to the club from a less vocal section of our supporters




  • We currently have 6no. players who are on loan to the club (inc. Harvey Saunders). Earlier on this season and during a period of poor performance/results etc, Tommy declared that he was confident in the squad. What has changed since then? Does the influx of on loan players demonstrate that he was wrong? Surely a club of our size should try and agree to the signing of 2/3 loan signings from local Football League clubs per season?


Answer: Our finances require that we will need to make greater use of the loan market going forward.




  • What size playing budget is expected to be available for 2019/2020 season? How will this compare to that of 2018/2019 and to that of our first season in this division?

Answer: As ever we will hope to start the new season confident of some success, be it in the league or cups. Based on season ticket sales, and comments in relation to boost the budget (we anticipate having to reduce the budget for 2019/20)





From Paul Hodgson


What have the board learned from this season?

In hindsight  (I know that is a good thing), what does DJ think he could have done better?

What is the board doing do improve communication with the fans? Many I speak to feel isolated, which to me is a worry.

Prior to formulating their plans for next season, is the board looking to consult the fan base via the DFCSG, as to how they feel the club should be run, and what they actually want? Some kind of survey could be a good idea for this.

Does Tommy feel let down by some of his signings?  and is he planning any changes to his recruitment strategy for next season?

Many thanks

kind regards

Paul Hodgson




From David

Hi Paul and thanks for your questions


What have the Board learned?


  • Do not expect to raise any income from pre-season – this affected some of our budget planning.
  • Set a tighter financial playing budget that does not force player transfers mid-season.
  • Factor in lower attendances when setting the budget.




What could DJ have done better?


  • Brought in more support at Board level sooner – I am so busy with my day job that I am not focussing enough on the football club and need support. I am delighted now to have this which has proved essential as we look to next season – being a Director of this club is a thankless task to be honest as I have communicated before in an earlier netcafe.
  • I also think we need to forge closer relationships with the North East clubs and I have started this but again I should have done it sooner.
  • Ignore the personal abuse.






We try to do this through Netcafes and I do x2 fans forums a season to enable questions to be asked. I also write programme notes for each game where I try to pass across what is currently happening at the club. We also put statements on the official website when we feel it is necessary. I also answer every single email sent to me and I am happy to continue to do this moving forwards. It is difficult however as when I do a fans forum we get c100 people out of an average home gate of 1200 so this again shows a certain level of interest but people do not attend or are not able to attend and a chance to engage is lost.





Prior to formulating their plans for next season, is the board looking to consult the fan base via the DFCSG, as to how they feel the club should be run, and what they actually want? Some kind of survey could be a good idea for this.



The DFCSG is the elected body that also has representation on the DFC Board in Chris Stockdale so the views of the DFCSG are clearly understood. I am unsure as to what you mean about how the club is run? If this relates to playing squad, budgets and management, there is constant dialogue with Chris and he explains very clearly the views of his Board. It is impossible however to satisfy everyone’s view as to how the club is run. I get so many different opinions on every aspect of this via email etc but I will answer them honestly as they come in.




Does Tommy feel let down by some of his signings?  and is he planning any changes to his recruitment strategy for next season?


Everyone is disappointed by results this season including players and management alike. No-one deliberately sets out to under-perform but yes we have discussed a different approach for player recruitment next season based around what we can afford and better use of the loan market.





From Adam Sutcliffe


My question is:


Obviously any details will be highly confidential, but have there been any plans discussed about how to commemorate Thommo when he finally reaches the big 100 for Darlo?


Adam Sutcliffe





I am sure that the club will commemorate this appropriately once he reaches this milestone but at present this has not been discussed.



From Maurice Paton


Hi, in my opinion there have been far too many players coming and going throughout the course of this season for the team to have any chance to form a unit, and on Wednesday night versus Chester I saw a set of individuals running around the pitch who don’t really know what to do, can’t think quickly and, and are not used to playing together.

So my question below is mainly aimed towards the Chairman.

This scattergun approach to constantly signing and selling players, added to multiple loan players forever coming and going - do you think it can ever produce a competitive team?



Hi Maurice

Correct player recruitment in the close season is key to this but I would disagree it is scattergun. Revenue was down on budget and the club was not prepared to incur significant debts so I made a decision to sell players and replace them with lower cost options. This will be the direction moving forwards as we simply cannot afford the wages for 20+ contracted players. We will have to make better use of the loan market but we are talking to clubs about longer term deals so the loan players are here for a significant period of time and get used to each other, tactics , formations etc.



From Josh Egglestone

Hi all,


First of all thank you for your continued hard work behind the scenes and for organising this event to take on fans questions. 


David - during the last netcafe you mentioned one of the reasons we were behind budget was that two commercial opportunities the club was expecting, had not materialised. Can you give any further details as to the nature of these opportunities, the level of income they represent and if/when they are likely to be realised? 


Chris / David - we have seen that budgeting for next season is already underway. Most fans understand this incredibly difficult and we acknowledge sustainability is key. With that in mind, what are your current expectations for the budget next season in comparison to this in % terms? 


Thank you again for your time and continued efforts. 


Kind regards,






Hi Josh


The 2 issues in question were;

  • A legacy payment via a will that unfortunately moved into probate and is currently going through process
  • I was offered the opportunity to purchase 2 brand new BMW vehicles from sponsorship at a very low cost (these cars were on the golf pro circuit – the ones you see at the tees advertising the BMW brand) and then re-sell them to a BMW dealer at trade price. I was going to pay the cash on behalf of the club and then give the net receipts to the club. We are still waiting on this but to be honest this opportunity may now have gone although they last contacted me 2 months ago to say the paperwork was progressing. I have discounted this now so any progress would be an upside.


We are currently working on next season’s budget but it will be reduced from this one. It is difficult to say currently in % terms however.






From Quakers fan


David Johnston on his arrival said he would give it two years which I believe will be up in April/May.


It would be great if he was to commit to another two years -- is he able to confirm his intentions?


Answer from David:

I have no intention to quit as I think the club needs stability whilst I work on the major strategic issues we are facing.


Unfortunately results have not been successful under my spell as Chairman so I would understand if the fans want change. I am open to that if they collectively believe it is in the best interests of the club but I will continue to work on all of the issues to the best of my ability unless advised otherwise.


There is a lot going on behind the scenes and I hope to share this with you shortly but please stay behind the team and let’s secure our league status  and then review the way forward.



Don't forget about our Easter Soccer Camp in the Dolphin Centre for 5 to 12 year olds






From Roland Winder


Are we going abroad for pre-season again this year, and if so when and where.?



Sadly there are currently no plans to go abroad due to the expense involved .




From Andy Clarke

1) Were Tommy and Alan given the full budget at the start of the season; As fans we raised in the region of £80k. Did every penny from the boost the budget actually go to the budget?


2) Was Tommy given an extension in his contract before Christmas? If so, why was this not made public?





Yes the full budget was allocated to recruit the squad this year.


Management contracts are a personal matter and are not something we would discuss in public, but as with any employment contract there is a term date and an appropriate notice period built in to the contract.




From Steve Bishop


Hi David. Thank you again for all your work keeping our club moving in the right direction.

1). What's your latest thoughts on the Sporting Village? It would be great to make this work and take Darlo to the next level, in a sustainable way.

2). What's your thoughts on the German football model, with a private investor owning 49%? Ahead of a fans' vote & actively seeking investment, are we currently exploring this? I can imagine this would be welcomed by our fans.

3). What a memorable trip PSV was. Are we thinking of something similar before the 19/20 season?





Hi Steve


The Sporting Village is obviously a complex project that requires public sector funding via the Tees Valley LEP. As such any involvement for a sporting club such as ourselves is naturally complex. The concept is a good idea but we have to ensure that any move does not jeopardise our future ability to develop commercially or operationally. At present there are still issues to be clarified namely

  • Primacy of tenure
  • Plastic pitches
  • Commercial model and revenue share

All of these are under investigation/discussion but until answers are known we will not be making any proposals to the DFCSG.


I have not looked at the German model to be honest as we have our current model that has been established through the DFCSG. Any proposals to change this must be referred through their Board should the majority of fans want to change the existing model to allow greater external investment.


Eindhoven was a great experience but there are no plans for a foreign trip this year. Plans for pre-season are being discussed and we will announce these once this season is concluded.


Thanks for your questions



From David Moore;

Good Evening


First of all, can I thank the Board and Volunteers for all the hard and in many cases unseen work which they do for the club.

My question is as a regular contributor to the various fundraising activities, such as Boost the Budget ,will the money be used for such purpose or to pay off old debts as seems to have happened this season.

The club seems to have no stability either on or off the field and seems to fly by the seat of its pants.

Twice at least this season the Budget has been slashed ,and whilst I have sympathy with Tommy Wright ,(I don't think Pep Guardiola could have succeeded in the circumstances). He has had five captains and seems to change the team and playing personnel every week.

Perhaps we should be trying to follow the example of Chorley.




Thanks David your support is appreciated.


We still have some debt albeit small but for the forthcoming season, we will not be looking to spend all of the playing budget upfront and will look to secure long term loan signings to supplement the squad. Cash flow is critical in any business and it is always cash shortfall that ends up with receivership and liquidation. We will not jeopardise the club in this manner.

Stability is very difficult for a part time club run by volunteers. As I have said repeatedly, unless there are individuals with the right experience who are prepared to work 40+ hours a week unpaid to work on everything the club needs, there is always going to be a certain level of instability. We have however supported the management team as much as possible although cash-flow has resulted in us having to sell players to support income which is difficult for anyone to manage.


We will all reflect on what we can do better for next season.






From Jamie Dennis

1.Can you please inform everybody of incomings and outgoings as the figures do not seem to fit, for example manager Tommy Wright has had to sell a number of players to the tune of bringing into the club approximately 158k, where has that gone? The boost the budget 80k where has that gone? We have a massively restricted player wage budget so the figures do not add up, please explain…………..

2.The Academy started this season and is being run brilliantly by Alan and Tommy, can the club explain what they see as the future of the academy, the benefits of having an academy and any future expansion of the academy.

3.Can you just be open / honest and tell the fans what the exact deal is with the Rugby Club, from how much we pay rent, to how much we earn per pint or pie bought, just tell us everything to stop Chinese whispers.

K  Kind regards,





Hi Jamie

Our initial annual playing budget was set at £330k for the season and that was based against projected crowds and income. As results suffered and crowds fell we lost income and players were sold to help balance the shortfall. Trust me, the cash is managed carefully every single day and we have creditors that we have to manage when things get tight. Last season player trading helped to clear debts but this season has been about sustainable cash flow……the figures do add up and are monitored closely by Chris Stockdale Chair of the DFCSG. Until the appointment of John Woolnough as CFO, Chris has managed the cash daily with calls to me and I make decisions based on the financial position and projections. This is why we sold players. Money is not wasted and, trust me, we’ve required short term personal cash loans to help pay creditors when we have had shortfalls. The cash management is not easy and is extremely stressful for those involved.


Boost The Budget funds are collected and managed by DFCSG. They have paid over regular monthly amounts in return for equity in DFC (as agreed by contributors in summer 2018). The total amount transferred to DFC by end of season is forecast to be around £80k.


As stated in our recent post AGM statement income from player sales in summer 2018 went towards reducing the elevated level of trade creditors we had carried through virtually all of the 17/18 financial year. For reference this figure was £103k at June 30th 2018 (see note 7. in our 17/18 accounts). This elevated level of creditors was due to overspend in previous financial years and additional construction cost of seated stand extension which exceeded funds raised.


The current playing budget is below the initial level at the start of the season but still running at a competitive spend compared to the benchmark figures supplied by the National League which in turn is based on accounts submitted by all NLN clubs.


The academy is key to future players and revenue but again it does not run without cost. It is expected to produce a small financial loss this year. Tommy manages this without any additional remuneration whereas other academies pay for a full time suitably qualified coach to do this. Alan is currently taking his badges but is not yet qualified to do this…..hence the need for Tommy to complete two roles this season. Student recruitment for next season is under way for the academy and our numbers will increase which will help with cash flow and generate a profit but this does take careful management.


Rent at the Rugby club is £32.5k pa.

Cost of matchday services invoiced by DRFC to DFC is approx £1k per match. These include player and official meals, car park revenue share, food and drink supply to directors, volunteers, etc.

DRFC supply hospitality at a negotiated cost per head. DFC retain all profit from hospitality sales.

Bar sales – DFC retain 10% of bar sales revenue. Gross sales per game average circa £2k.

Outside catering profit share will be negotiated in the close season – currently DRFC retain 100% of these sales.

DFC retain 80% of revenue from advertising hoarding sales / 20% to DRFC.

This season we are also paying DRFC for use of space to host our academy.

Through direct & indirect revenue DFC generate over £140k of revenue per year for DRFC.







From Ian Taylor


  1. I am very worried about both the style of our play and the lack of cutting edge to achieve results. What plans has Tommy to change this?


2.why when we are 1-0 down at home again v Chester does Tommy not change either the players or the system when 1100 of us can see it’s not working


  1. The number of defeats this season suggests either the players are not good enough or the management aren’t. Question for David Johnston - where do you put the blame David?




Hi Ian


We are all concerned about results and this is down to summer player recruitment, and the need to sell players due to cashflow. We will have to ensure this does not happen next season.


It's always interesting to see people's views on tactics...we have 1100 managers every game and I hear and read comments about tactics etc. Our opponents are scouted and the team watch how other sides set up....for example there was a load of negative criticism about when Tommy first played Tom Elliott at left back - the majority of the crowd  will not have seen that the opposition (in their 2 prior games) had scored 3 goals with a left footed winger playing right wing cutting in and shooting. By playing a right footed full back against that ...every time he cut in to shoot he was going on to Tom’s strongest side and the result was no shots from the winger and no goals against us.....everyone has their views but we try to set up and ensure we are strong against where they are strong.


Blame is an interesting word - I think a number of things have not worked including player recruitment, commercial income, cashflow, forced transfers, lack of support at Director level. Collectively responsibility is my view and we have to do better but again as a part time volunteer club in an increasingly competitive league we need to be realistic.






From David Collinge


Based on the evidence from the last 2 seasons of football, do we have a figure in mind for average crowds for 2019/20 on which to underpin our financial forecasts?  I fully appreciate the difficulties in calibrating these figures but would 1100 be about par?




Answer: Yes I would say 1100 is about right….obviously winning games attracts greater crowds but from a budget perspective we will be far more prudent this year.





From Michael Barrass

Steve Staunton is thought of as one of the worst managers Darlington Fc had with 4 wins in 23 games (17% win ) and I am not saying Tommy Wright has similar stats 9 wins in 35 games (25% win) but they are very poor; but what Staunton did over 5 months was drain the enjoyment and enthusiasm out of players and supporters that caused long lasting damage and that is where we are at again.

The team has little confidence at home, fitness and tactics on numerous occasions have not been rectified  and attendances clearly demonstrate we are not performing at even an average mid table standard. Surely David and the directors can observe this and are not prepared to continue the damage to our club any longer? Can they confirm the immediate remedial action they will take to save our club?




Answer from David

We accept that results are not where we want them to be and that this season has been disappointing. We ask all fans to get behind the team and support the players to achieve this goal.





From Dave Redfern

Too many Darlington players out on loan , the players Mr Wright has bought in on loan are sitting on the bench we need a team that can gell but we never know who is in or out , also players like Jack Vaulks have never been given a chance to prove himself to the fans. I was never a fan of Martin Gray but he had some good players where are they now !! is it because they were Gray’s signings that Tommy got rid of them .No faith in Tommy whatsoever tactics all wrong come on Mr Johnston do the right thing before it’s too late for our club Darlington. 



Remember the squad at that time, had won just one game in the previous ten before Martin Gray resigned, prompting requests for further investment in the squad.




From Danny Hawkes

You stated in the Northern Echo in May 2017 that you would be at the Club for a minimum of two years and that if you couldn't find investment/sponsorship during that time and also if the team was in the National League but unable to compete at the upper end, you would be prepared step aside and let someone else take over. 


Although progress seems to have been made on the commercial side since Craig Morley arrived, matters on the pitch have taken a turn for the worse to say the very least. 


With that two year period now coming to an end I'd like to ask what your current position is and has it changed from how it was then, will David Johnston still be at Darlington F.C next season



I think I’ve answered this to another question but to repeat - I have no plans to leave unless the DFCSG and wider fanbase want me to. There is a lot going on behind the scenes and I think the club needs stability at this time. That said, if people want me to go I will, as I can do without the daily stress and hassle but I would rather stay and help get the club to a better position.





Academy Talent ID day coming soon


From Chris Hall

At the beginning of the season following the successful 'Back the Budget' contributions by us fans we were assured that adequate resources were in place to ensure that we would be in a strong position to challenge for the play-offs if not direct promotion. What has gone wrong?





Direct promotion was never discussed but we had hoped to contend for the playoffs. Sadly this has not happened due to a number of issues namely;

Player recruitment

Gate revenue

Player sales to compensate revenue shortfalls

Commercial income


Admittedly it has been a disappointing season and we will regroup in the close season and review what needs to improve both on and off the field. Please get behind the players and management team for the remainder of the season, your support is appreciated.



From Ben Davidson

A question relating to our relationship with Darlington Rugby Club.


I get the feeling when at matches that we are merely 'tolerated'

and are viewed simply as a substantial income stream to the Rugby Club that has kept then afloat. There seems to be no genuine friendship or partnership. To this day we have no formal signage at the outside entrance to Bishop Meadows announcing that Darlington Football Club are part of the Bishop Meadows complex. A casual passer-by on the road would have no idea that we exist!


Does my feeling reflect the reality of the situation?


Either way, what steps are being taken to improve our working relationship and improve the visibility of DFC at Bishop Meadows?


Ben Davidson



Hi Ben,


Thanks for the question.


There have been some challenges to overcome in our first two years at Blackwell Meadows. I'm sure both parties could find fault with the other and we both need to work hard to improve the relationship going forward because at the moment the matchday experience that we are offering our supporters isn't good enough. DRFC are the exclusive service provider for all matchday catering and bars. We are working hard with them to improve what is being currently offered because feedback from our supporters is that there are clear areas where it falls short.


That said there are many people who work on our matchdays for the rugby club that provide an excellent service to our supporters and we want to build on that.


I attended an operational meeting, along with Craig Morley, on Monday night with DRFC to discuss future improvements on matchdays going into next season. Some positive steps were agreed and we will continue to work with DRFC as we seek further improvements.


All signage at Blackwell is subject to approval by DRFC - specifically listed in the licence agreement. DRFC have shown flexibility, for example with large flags at the entrance on matchdays and with the installation of the Quaker Retail unit outside the ground. An updated sign at the entrance to BM has been provisionally agreed previously - we will follow up on this in the close season.





Sean Allen

When is Tommy Wright's contract due to expire and is this going to be extended further?

Answer: Please see previous answer to the same question

Also we've had alot of money come into the club over the last year through the boost the budget, various  player sales and the marathon bet money. Where has all this money gone?



Please see the answer to Jamie Dennis.

Exceptional transfer income was used to reduce the trade creditor debt carried over from previous years. Also the income generated from current crowd levels isn’t sufficient to support the playing budget set at the start of the season so has also been used to cover operational losses.



Vote for next season's away strip -- first semi final here


I have a couple of questions.


What would you say to fans who are refusing to back tommy wright financially next season (if he is still manager).


Does Tommy Wright regret going for “quality” over quantity this year?


Also does tommy wright feel he gets the respect of the players? It comes across like he is just “one of the lads” rather than an authoritative figure who they respect.


Thanks in advance,





Hi Adam,


I would say that we are stronger when we stick together. A large part of how successful we can be on the pitch is down to how much money we can make available to the manager. Without season ticket or Boost The Budget funding the task next season will be more challenging. All managers come & go, by buying a season ticket or boosting the budget you are backing your club. This season has been tough but we will be stronger for it. The resolve within the club has never been greater to deliver better for the supporters and owners next season. The board are backing Tommy to deliver a successful end to this season and we are all already planning ahead for next season as we look to improve on & off the field.





From Les Marston

Surely if we are a fans run club, the fans should know what is going on with lengths of contracts, why are you not involving the supporters who pay the wages


Answer from Chris

Hi Les,


The fans own the club – the DFC board run the club on your behalf and make the day to day business decisions. This is an important distinction. We will disclose as much information as possible, there is plenty in tonight’s netcafe, but some information has to remain in house.



From Emily Burrell


Hello, I have 2 questions.


How do we plan on sustaining the club over the next 5-10 years - given many aren’t happy with the current form, if this continues are we relying on solely fans to keep the club afloat? Seems the gate has suffered and attendance has slipped - do we see any potential investment in the club?

Do you worry that attendance will suffer next season if Tommy is still manager and/or performance is still suffering? Is this something we have budgeted for? How do you envisage this will impact us as a club financially and what is the plan going forward?


Thank you,




Answer from Chris

Hi Emily,


Under fan ownership we don't have a benefactor. Ultimately over time the level of support we get will determine the our success as the fans own the club. The board are working hard to drive improvements in the business to increase our chance of success on the pitch.


External investment in the club is limited to 15% of equity under the current articles of association. If there was an approach it would be up to the owners, DFCSG members, to decide what happens.


We constantly monitor all areas of income and matchday revenues are a key income stream. As you've seen this season, lower attendances mean that the budget has to be adjusted accordingly.




From Pete

When the majority of fans have no faith at all in Tommy Wright, why do you, The Board continue to back him ? Thus upsetting the majority of fans, who in turn won’t renew season tickets next season if he is in charge. (that is a FACT from a consensus of opinion amongst a large group of fans I know, which in turn will surely be reflected in other groups and their friends) I really want to continue to help my beloved Darlo, but like others won’t be renewing if nothing is done to change this, (after 47 years of following).

YES it doesn’t help OUR club, but I cannot put up any longer with poor recruitment, the silly team selections, the wrong formations, the lack of substitutions when required, the substitutions made when NOT required, and the utterly boring football that the players are clearly under instruction to serve up ! So again I ask why back him & (please read all of this out and please do not redact any part of my question as I believe this is a fully valid and accurate description of our current situation)




Answer from Chris:

Hi Pete,


The board and supporters club board both are aware of and recognise the strength of feeling and are listening very carefully to views from all sides. Remember we are all fans and investors together and want the best outcome for the club.

We are in a position where we need to secure our status with a few more points and to do so we have strengthened the squad and also want the team and manager to focus on that short term objective first.

What is also really important is financial security as there is no ‘magic money tree’ to pick a popular phrase. That means we rely on the support of fans, sponsors and any grants or awards. We have to operate within our budget, and that budget depends on the loyal fan base.

Income is less this year than was projected as performances have not been god enough and some premium players we all felt would perform, have frankly, not. This is disappointing but we have addressed these.

Your board and the supporters club board are working in the best interests of the club.





From Carl Milburn

Simple Question. What’s the vision?  Where are we aiming to get to in the leagues and can we do it without an investor?   Surely the aim has to be League 2?! 



If we remain being a ‘‘majority fan owned’ club... what’s the vision of the DFCSC board? Do they think we can get back to the football league with the current administrative set up?  

If we aren’t aiming for Football league, my comment would be simply, why not&  Fans don’t spend all their money just to watch a club that doesn’t get a mention on the North East news because we can’t even get back to the ‘National League’. 

Kind regards, 

Carl Milburn



Hi Carl,


The ultimate goal is a return to the Football League playing at a home ground we can call our own.

We can be competitive in the National League North under fan ownership.

The board’s focus is on driving business improvements which will raise revenue to ensure we can invest in the footballing budget.

To be competitive in the National League will require a step change in our revenues plus capital investment in Blackwell Meadows to meet ground grading regulations.

We have outlined previously how we achieve that through development of additional revenue streams. i.e. a 3g pitch development, a growing academy.

Under fan ownership, you & all our supporters are in control of the club, unlike in the past. The future is what we all make of it.




From Barry Thompson

Firstly, a huge thank you for all you do. Your hard work is massively appreciated. 

My question relates to stability. It seems like Craig Morley and John Woolnough are excellent additions to DFC, with their input, do you think we will get to a place of a sound financial footing without having to strip the squad of our better players halfway through the season.

Barry Thompson 


Answer from John Woolnough

We are focused on working within a sustainable framework.

Our efforts have been focused on increasing commercial income and reducing costs where appropriate.

We will be setting a tighter financial playing budget where we do not anticipate player transfers mid-season being forced upon us. Budgets will be prepared around different attendance levels with the final budget reflecting a cautious approach to the anticipated attendance.

If we see attendances increase or enjoy a cup run we will reinvest this money back into the playing budget.



From Mark Adams

Why do the club keep avoiding fans forums?

As previously announced we will hold a fans forum around the end of the season. Short term we are fully focused on a successful end to the season and don't want any distractions from that.


From Pete:

Thanks for all the effort everyone is putting in to Darlington and a special mention to Craig Morley who is doing an outstanding job in raising the profile of DFC- long many that continue.


How does our budget compare with other sides in the national league north i.e. Chorley, Brackley, spennymoor? Also there seems to be a specific type of team that compete at the top of this league i.e. very strong (physically and mentally) and with very good organisation and tactics. Would we for success make an attempt of going down that route next season e.g. Chorley and Brackley?


Once again thanks for all the hard work.


Answer from Chris

Thank you.

The National League sent out benchmark information to all clubs in all 3 divisions earlier this season. Based on these figures, after reducing the budget during the season, we still have a competitive budget for this league. Undoubtably some teams in NLN have far higher budgets and some are lower.


How the squad and team are constructed is down to the manager.


Thanks for your questions so far, everyone.
There has been a huge response to this netcafe – probably the biggest ever -- and the directors are taking a break now until the morning.

We’d like to thank everyone for taking time to ask questions, and for David Johnston, Chris Stockdale, John Woolnough, John Vickerman and Jonathan Jowett for answering them.


From Mark Adams

It’s obvious we’re are at a crossroads as a club. As a club maybe asking the fans what they would like to see as we move forward is a good idea now.

Do we want security or success?

Personally I’d be happy to plateau now for a few seasons, regroup, build foundations and then maybe have a structured push for another promotion, at the next level we would have to the same but under the current model and infrastructure I believe would be our ceiling.

Other fans obviously demand success, this I feel leave no other option than private investment.


Three questions from this:


  1. Which of the above are the board working under?


  1. Do you actually know what the fans want from them options?


  1. Have we had any interested private investors show any interest?


Answer from Chris

The board are focused on sustainable success. The losses racked up in previous years need to be eliminated. We need to grow revenues, reduce costs where appropriate and will invest within our means with the aim of delivering a winning team on the field, whilst aiming to resolve our longer term challenge of playing at a home ground we can call our own.


The DFC board are ultimately answerable to the owners, DFCSG members, who are represented by the DFCSG board. DFCSG will be surveying all members in the close season so we can get structured feedback.


Raj Singh was the last approach I'm aware of.



From Martyn Horn

Hi, I recall that at the DFC AGM it was stated that two candidates had put themselves forward as potential board members and both had talents which the football club required. Since then we have seen John Woolnough join the board, but no one else. 

Are there any further additions anticipated in the near future to help take some of the pressure off David Johnson, and John Woolnough



Answer from Chris

Hi Martyn,


John Vickerman was also recently appointed as an advisor to the board, has already made a significant contribution. We also have Jonathan Jowett, as company secretary, who provides significant support to the board.




From Pete

Just want to say a massive thanks to David, the board and all the volunteers for their tireless efforts through-out what’s been a very frustrating season for us all.


My questions:


  1. Did the game v Hartlepool provide any profit for the club or did the costs prove too high?


  1. When will the new home shirts be available to buy?


  1. Has the club any plans for pre-season friendlies?






From Chris

Thanks Pete,


There was a small profit from the Hartlepool match although there were also increased costs on the night.


Home shirts should be available in July. We will have a firmer date in May.


We are currently planning pre-season - no confirmed fixtures as of yet.



Rodney Dale: Have the board given Tommy Wright a new contract since he first arrived?



Please refer to the answer near the start of this netcafe




From Quakers fan

Thank you for the comprehensive answers on Friday night.


Are the club making any efforts to talk to bringing outside investors in and what is DJ/JW view of how the current model works financially for the club to progress. 




From John W:


Like all football clubs, we require financial backing from our owners. The current model requires a proportion of the general running costs to be financed by our owners. To progress to the next level we would be reliant on increased  investment and increased attendances over and above the 2000 mark to sustain a budget at the very low end of the National League budgets without developing additional revenue streams.


With sound player recruitment, utilisation of high quality loan players (eg. Andrew Nelson / Ainsley Pears) and a focus on developing and selling talented players we would be able to be in a position financially to have a successful season on the pitch in the National League North.


At the end of the day any external investment is down to the membership of the DFCSG.




The final word for this netcafe -- which is most appreciated by everyone concerned -- comes from Ian Taylor, who writes:


I just want to make a point that I for one appreciate the work put in by David Johnston, Chris Stockdale and all of the volunteers we have. David has alluded to it being a thankless task and I can understand that. Frustrations are being shown and sounded because we want the best for Darlington FC and when we don’t feel that is being delivered on the pitch we make comment. That is not to decry the important and successful work in keeping the club going at difficult times. Many sugar daddies have not been as successful as the current board and directors. so thank you for what you do.


We'd like to thank everyone for asking questions in the netcafe, and to David Johnston, Chris Stockdale, John Woolnough, John Vickerman and Jonathan Jowitt for answering the many and varied questions that were asked.


Many thanks, once again, for your support, and see you on Saturday (Retro Day) at home to FC United of Manchester.