Update from the Board of Directors

Update from the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Darlington 1883 Limited (Board of DFC) has again met with Darlington Footb...

DFC badgeThe Board of Directors of Darlington 1883 Limited (Board of DFC) has again met with Darlington Football Club Supporters Group (DFCSG) in their capacity as corporate director and major shareholder, and also with the Club’s legal advisors and Martin Gray, to discuss the current situation regarding the Club’s planned return to Darlington.

As a result of those discussions, DFC has today informed the directors of Darlington Rugby Football Club (DRFC), and also the project management team from Darlington Borough Council (DBC), that it believes it is in the interests of the Club to proceed on the basis it is extremely likely that DFC will be completing the remainder of the 2015-16 season at Heritage Park, whilst discussions with DRFC continue.

This decision has been reached after considering the potential impact on performance of switching the Club’s home venue part way through another progressive playing campaign. In addition, in the negotiations with DRFC, DFC still awaits key assurances from DRFC in respect of the development and operation of the Blackwell Meadows facility moving forward.

DFC has also been working closely with its solicitors regarding the safeguarding of the fans’ monies that were raised through the 5 year extended season ticket campaign.

Accordingly, the £236,625 introduced by DFC500 and Vice-President Cub members has been placed in an ‘escrow’ account. This is a bank account held by trustees that ring-fences the funds received in advance in return for the Club providing 5 years’ worth of season tickets to subscribers. Legal provisions have been created around that account in respect of the basis for which those funds may be drawn. The Board of Directors will be writing to each DFC500 and Vice-President Club member within the next few days to explain this matter further.

Your Board can also confirm that the Directors of Bishop Auckland Football Club (BAFC) have been informed of the situation and we are delighted that the excellent partnership established with BAFC over the last 3 years will continue during the forthcoming season.

Your Board is naturally disappointed that the planned return to Darlington has been delayed, however discussions are continuing and the directors remain fully committed to returning the Club to Darlington at the earliest opportunity, with the long term interests of the Club being firmly protected.


The Board of Directors

Darlington 1883 Limited

25 September 2015